Social Harmony Through Change of Thoughts


Today we find a lot of peacelessness and tension in our social atmosphere. The main reason for this is disharmony in our relations. This disharmony is reflected in various forms like jealousy, hatred, revenge, greed, violence etc. So much selfishness has crept in our behaviour that all the time we are thinking and bothering about our own comforts, luxuries and gains, even at the cost of harming others.


Let us analyse as to what is the origin of disharmony. As we all know, we are all made of two constituents - body and soul. The body is our physical portion which is perishable. The soul is our non-physical portion which never ends. It is immortal. The value of the body is only because of the soul. If the soul leaves the body, the body is like any other inanimate worldly object. It is the soul which thinks, feels and decides. The source of all our emotions of likes, dislikes, love, hatred, attachment etc. is our soul only.

If we ponder and analyse deeply, we will come to the conclusion that the disharmony which exists in our society or even in the whole world, is only due to the impure and negative thoughts and feelings arising in our souls. This root cause gives rise to various adversities on the physical level.

Thoughts in our minds affect us and our environment in various ways as enumerated below.


1. Whatever good or bad we think, the vibrations of these thoughts spread around in the atmosphere just like light and sound vibrations. Whosoever comes in contact with these vibrations becomes charged temporarily with these positive or negative thoughts. If our thoughts are negative, the vibrations released by them will cause uneasiness and peacelessness to the person whom they hit.

This is the reason why we feel so pleasant just by sitting beside those persons who have good thoughts and feel constant restlessness by sitting beside persons having negative thoughts.

2. Whatever we think, impressions of these thoughts constantly sink down in our subconscious mind in the form of sanskaras. If our thoughts are negative then our subconscious mind is constantly bombarded with negative impressions which make our souls impure, due to which, negativity in our own souls further increases. So a vicious circle is formed which constantly increases disharmony in the atmosphere around us. This vicious circle needs to be cut to restore us to our pure state.

3. The most important effect of the thoughts is that they have the power to get materialised into physical conditions and circumstances are attracted to us accordingly.

To quote an example, if you repeatedly have this negative thought and fear in your mind that you may develop a particular disease, you will find that the disease has actually started manifesting in you. So this is the power of the mind or thought over matter.


Thus, if our thoughts are positive and harmonious, the physical conditions around us, the environment and nature will automatically become harmonious, and if our thoughts are negative, i.e. full of hatred, jealousy, revenge, greed etc. our outer conditions will also become disharmonious.

The various karmas which we perform are also categorised good or bad according to the thoughts and feelings associated with it.

The question is how to develop good thoughts? The answer to this is: through Gyan and yoga. What is Gyan or knowledge? It is to know the truth of life, i.e. who we are, where from have we come, what is the purpose of our existence on earth, what are our relations with other living beings, what is our relation with the universe and with God, what will happen to us after death, whether various events occuring to us in our lifetime are all accidental or are they based on some precise divine laws?

When this knowledge will gradually dawn on us, we will find that our thoughts have started becoming positive, because the reason for negative thoughts was ignorance about the true nature of us and the  world. Due to ignorance we were running like mad after those things which were unreal and perishable. After obtaining knowledge, our outlook towards the world starts becoming detached. Our consciousness shifts away from the world and is directed towards the soul and God. By this shift of consciousness, the root of negative thoughts is fully destroyed.


What about the negative thoughts, feelings and actions of others which constantly disturb us? The answer to this is that through practice of Rajyoga, we can increase our soul power (atma shakti) to the extent that these negative influences then cease to have any effect on us. You might be knowing that we have surrounding the body an envelope of subtle radiations from our body called aura. The more soul power we have, the stronger and brighter will be the aura. For any negative thought to enter us, it has to cross through this aura. If our aura is strong enough the negative influences will not be able to pierce through it and therefore we will remain totally immune to the negative influences around us and our balance will not be disturbed.

So through Rajyoga we can increase our atma shakti and counter the effect of any negativity proceeding towards us. Now what is Yoga? Yoga means connection with God. As soon as this connection is established, a fountain of peace, knowledge, bliss and power starts flowing towards us because God is the ocean of all these attributes. This happens in the same way as when a battery is charged by connecting it to a high power source. By connection with God not only our soul power increases but all the impurities of our minds are also washed away, making our souls totally pure. In this condition only good thoughts emerge from us.


But this connection with God should be maintained not only during meditation but in our practical life also, through twenty-four hours. The simple technique for this is that we should always feel the presence of God with us in whatever we do. For example, we should feel that we are eating with Him, we are walking with Him, we are working with Him etc. i.e. we should involve Him in all our activities.

In other words, whatever we do, we should be always holding His hand. Just like a child feels totally secure and light when he keeps his hand in his father’s hand, so do we keep ourselves always with God, because in such conditions God takes total responsibility for us in His hand.

You are whole heartedly welcome to
Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya

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