Peace of Mind (Part 6)



(Contd.........Part 5)

Political differences

Political differences are another cause. In spite of the fact that both Russia and China have the same economic policy, they are preparing the fight each other on account of their political aims. Even in the Congress, in Bharat, there are several groups set against one another. Among the other groups outside the Congress, there is constant war fought by means of posters and newspapers, on platforms or in assemblies on political grounds.

‘No confidence motions are tabled against one another and imputations against individuals are getting so common that peace is disturbed. The politics of today is free from the control of Right and Justice, and is based upon machinations and self-interest. So, political groups, with their different aims and objects, are very great factors of discord. It is political leaders who have, in some cases, demanded separate statehood and incited the masses to cause disturbances in the country so as to achieve their object.

Not only this, resolutions are passed, demanding the annexation of certain parts of a country outside one’s own. And, when opportunity offers itself, they, on one pretext or another, ask the businessmen to observe Hartal and assemble so that inflammatory speeches to excite the public are delivered.

Religious differences

Religious differences provide another cause. Strife’s between the Hindus and the Muslims have continued, even after the British left India. The partition of India between Bharat and Pakistan had its origin in Jinnah’s code of religion. As a result of this difference in religion, partition was accompanied by bloodshed. One of the main cause of the dispute between Israel and the U.A.R. is the religious differences between the Jews and the Musalmans. Communists look upon religion only as a show, a pretext for fleecing the workers and this they incite them against religion. Leaders of a certain religion severely criticise the advocates of another religion, and succeed only in creating hatred among people by means of irresponsible criticism, religious carricature and calumny through their own newspapers and journals.

There is no much of conflict based on religion that the devotees of Rama quarrel with those who worship Krishna. So do the Shaivas and the Vaishnavas behave towards each other. The Christians denigrate the Hindus who in return oppose any permission to the Christians to preach Christianity. On the question of what is Dharma, man has become hostile to man in word and deed, and fights wars. In Religious in bitter academic disputes and impolite discussions. And that, which should be the means of ensuring Peace, has thus changed its shape and been deformed only to be a constant source of antagonism.

Caste differences

Differences of castes is another factor to be reckoned with. For centuries, differences of high and low caste have existed in Bharat. Sweepers, who are considered Shudras (low-caste) by the villagers are not permitted to draw water from their wells. They cannot cross a Brahmin’s way or move near about him. Among the Thakurs, Jats, Rajputs, etc. there have been disputes. Even in highly advanced countries like America, there are, every today, disputes and fights between the Negroes and the other communities. Harijans and high-caste people have not ceased to be free from quarrels. Strangely enough, in the North and the South, in the sub-continent of Bharat, there is, even today mutual hatred based on caste differences which keep alive the fires of disputes.

An important factor contributing to world discord is the fact that we have regional or territorial loyalties. It is on the basis of these variations that we have Senas under different names – Lachet Sena in Assam, Shiv Sena in Maharashtra. Other regions have taken their cue from them. In the past, there have been big wars, as history says, between the English and the French, the English and the Spaniards and between the English and the Americans and others – all these being due to Regional differences. What else would be the reason, as otherwise, in respect of their religion and economic system, there was not much difference?

Is not land, i.e. the country one inhabits, recognised as important a cause of disputes as wealth? People of one country consider themselves different from those of another country, and become engaged in advancing their own interests at the cost of others it self-interest shuts them off from any other means. Hence, conflicts on this level also.

Linguistic differences

Language is another instrument of generating discord. It is an open secret that, on account of differences in language, people born in the same country, instead of having brotherly feelings are usually at daggers drawn with each other, resulting in much carnage. The Punjabi Suba and Andhra Pradesh owe their origin to this feeling.

The Gujratis and the Maharashtrians fought between themselves over the question of Bombay – all on considerations of language, region and class. Whether Hindi is going to be the national language or English, there is, over this question, so much bitterness and conflict that copies of the Constitution, are burnt and railway stations are set fire to. And, students and the uneducated, officials and the general public, in short, all people participate in discussions which result directly or indirectly, only into stone-throwing, looting and arson.

Colour differences

Differences of colour is another cause. The fights between the Whites and the coloured races in South Africa are well-known while in Bharat the English, because they are white, considered themselves superior to the Indians, and said that their race was higher and that God had created them to rule over the coloured people.

Science as against religion

Science and religion have between themselves been a factor of discord. If any conclusion reached by science runs counter to the beliefs of a certain religious sect, there crops up a cause for quarrel between the scientists and the religionists so that people upon these two as opposed to each other, all because science has exposed the erroneousness of some age-old religious beliefs and exploded them by showing up the emptiness of some religious practices and superstitions.

Natural calamities

Similarly are natural calamities, cultural differences and age-long impressions mighty causes of world unrest.

In short, disparity of views in one shape or another causes discord, and the disparity may appears in anyone of the forms mentioned above.

Seeker – You have clearly expounded ten main causes of peacelessness in the world. There can be no two opinions about this. But will you give me a solution of the problem?

Brahma Kumari – We have to probe into the character of these causes before the solution came in sight.

Seeker – Then, what is the motive force of these causes?

What is the root cause?

Brahma Kumaris – Viewed cursorily, the ten causes given above lead to discord. But deep probing will reveal that these causes are rooted in man’s own mental unrest. The mind that lacks peace radiates unrest. That is why they say that wars are born in the minds of men! Hence, the basic requirement is that man’s mind should be peaceful because he is the unit of society. Just as one rotten fish contaminates the whole of the pond, so does an uneasy individual of a family, in a locality, or society becomes instrumental in inciting people or making them restless.

But why should man’s mind because uneasy. Deep reflection will lead you to the conclusion that anyone of the five vices – sex-lust, anger, greed, attachment an pride – is sufficient by itself to cause discord. It is indisputable that he who flies in to temper not only loses his own peace of mind but deprives others of their peace either by his bitter word, by means of violent fights or by retaliation. 

Thus, anger is another major cause. He who is subject to greed, resorts to dishonesty by means of adulteration, window-dressing or mere show, bribery, evasion of income tax or other similar means. His mind is never restful because tricks, evil thoughts, worries, etc., find their breeding place in it. Besides, he spreads unrest in society by his unsocial acts. Attachment in any form either to one’s own body, to children or to property or to any other thing, kills one’s reasoning faculty, and leads him to nepotism and partiality, to illegal ways, or to exploitation.

He becomes the means of causing calamity, conflict and even a bloody revolution. To what lengths does not man go when attachment to his hearth and home lead him, as it were by the nose, to dirty deeds? Egotism is the root cause of all conflict. It is because of this that there are clashes between two individuals, two countries or nations. A proud or concerted person simply causes distress to others, and on a small excuse, would retort and raise his hand.

Well, sexual indulgence leads to loss of strength and to disease, anger and intolerance. Obviously, unrest is there where these five or any of these five vices exist. In short, vices generate restlessness in one form or another in the society as much as in an individual.

Body-consciousness is the root of viciousness. Only when man considers himself not a soul but a body, views himself with the physical eye as a man or a young man and looks on others from the purely physical point of view and behaves in accordance with physical relationships, only then does arise there the vice of sex-lust. Because he observes all things and men from the standpoint of corporeality, attachment towards one’s children and one’s kith and kin is born.

Being thus attached, he becomes greedy, and, as is generally observed, his conceit suffers a shock because his desires are far being fulfilled and he loses his temper. All this process leads ultimately to uneasiness, and an uneasy man thus contributes not a little to world unrest. To the far-sighted, this truth a clearer than to him, who is superficial.

Seeker – Yes, sister, this is quite true.

Brahma Kumaris – I have hereby made it clear to you that world-unrest is due to these ten main causes, which are in themselves due to unrest in man’s mind. The five vices, mentioned above, cause mental uneasiness. Vices have their origin in body-consciousness, which is due to ignorance. Ignorance of what? You might want to know this. Ignorance of what man really is, his original home, wherefrom he has arrived in this world, whose child he is, and his religion.

Ignorance of what his destination, the aim of his life, the course that man’s actions, when done, take, want of information on how many existences he has passed through, his family and his status, what the future holds for mankind, what he has to do and what this world drama is really like – ignorance of this kind has led man to resulting vices and peacelessness. And so, knowledge of all the points mentioned here should bring peace to man’s mind, any this means alone can be found a solution to this problem of world unrest. By dint of this knowledge will these causes surely be removed from man’s mind.

Seeker – You have rightly depicted the cause of world unrest and the methods, dictated by divine knowledge as mentioned by you, will surely solve this great problem of peacelessness. You say that as long as man’s mind is restless, there can be no peace in the world. Whatever you have explained is an excellent means of establishing peace in the world and is indisputable true. Now, please let me have your guidance as to how it is possible for man to secure mental peace in the present day atmosphere of strife’s.

Brahma Kumari – When man is firmly posted in the feeling that he is a soul, a point of light, and that all others also are, like him, souls and that all souls have come from Paramdham, God’s abode, on the world stage, to play their respective part or to engage in a game, then experience of peace will automatically restored because purity and peace are the original nature or attributes of the soul.

We have to remember that, after having done our part here, we have to return to Paramdham, leaving behind all that we consider to be ours. Viewing things in this manner, you will find that, as a result of remembering these points of truth and living in the awareness of the soul, body-consciousness and its companions, the vices, will not be born and you will be safe from unrest. And, when souls are safe, the whole world would be free from unrest.

The truth is that the Supreme Soul is the source of peace. Him do all men entreat for peace and happiness. He is the Tower of Peace and Paramdham is the only region where peace prevails eternally. When one comes to learn about God as also about His abode, called Paramdham, will be establish intellectual communion or yoga with Him and obtain Peace from Him who gives us generously of it. When a bulb is not connected to the Power House, it will not give light. Similarly, want of a link with God, the Giver of peace, has kept us restless. Hence, education in yoga is very urgently needed.

Besides, there are latencies of bad actions done in previous lives which also are responsible for peacelessness today. It is these bad latencies of man that clash with the nature and the habits of others and thus pain their minds. Man’s own Vikarmas (vicious actions of the past) draw him to the regions where there is sorrow and other Vikarmas. Yoga is the only means of burning out man’s past Vikarmas. By means of yoga, healthy change in one’s Impressions (Sanskaras) is introduced and the formation of new and good Sanskaras is effected thereby.

So, when character deteriorates and religion is derided badly so much so that there is discord, does God, who is the ocean of peace, have to come Himself to give man instruction in divine knowledge, easy rajyoga and in the ways of acquiring divine virtues and thus to instil peace in our minds and to establish thereby complete peace in the world. He is the world peace maker but, unfortunately, people have forgotten all about Him, His supremely good deeds and the time of His coming here. Hence, what they do in their search for peace is only working on the surface.

So, the need of the present moment in to draw people’s attention to the fact that the Supreme Soul is the World Liberator, and our guide, conducting us to the Soul World and to Elysium. That is why in time of difficulty and distress, all people ask Him for peace. Even when someone dies, people pray to God for peace to his soul. The same Supreme Being, our Father, is now-a-days establishing peace, which is the divine birthright of all and which can be obtained only by linking ourselves, mentally, to Him and by remaining constantly in our spiritual state.

Peace is the soul’s own original nature. How can one have experience of real peace unless one considers himself a soul? Peace cannot be secured by reciting what are called peace-prayers, but by dissociating ourselves as much as we can, by means of our intellect and feeling, from any sense of the body and by resting in our spiritual state and also by means of yoga and holy living.

Seeker – Man will, I admit, be definitely peaceful if he is viceless and grounded and spiritual; communion with God. But, can peace be established in the whole of the world? The common belief is that this world has for ever been peaceless, as peace and unrest have been existing together. By ‘World Peace’ we mean that there should be no wars or scuffles between nations. Who can prevent all countries from fighting one another? And, as far as individuals are concerned, discord will continue as ever. This is my point of view.

Brahma Kumari – What I have said has to be understood thoroughly. The supreme soul has told us that in the beginning, the whole world was peaceful. That period, in which the whole world was peaceful, is known as Satyuga (Golden Age) and Tretayuga (Silver Age). There was neither any natural calamity nor were there among human beings any such old scores of actions to settle which would cause anybody any trouble.

The ruler and his subjects then were viceless and pre-dominantly righteous. There was only one world sovereignty and only one religion, i.e., the Ancient Deity Religion, established by God through Prajapita Brahma. Sovereignty and religion were in the hands of only Shri Narayana and Shri Lakshmi and there was only one language. About three thousand years ago, these several religions of today, viz., Islam, Buddhism, Christianity etc. did not exist. The population then was very small and there was no diversity of languages.

Seeker – No, surely not.

Brahma Kumari – Now you can judge easily why there was no discord then. I have pointed out that there was then only Deity religion, one noble tradition, one emperor who was endowed with spiritual power and then, was only one language. There was complete peace then, because the population then was very small with the result that no need of man remained unfulfilled. Evidently, when there were neither linguistic nor political differences, neither poverty nor any religious disparities, there was no cause for quarrels or discontent.

How could nature be unkind when people’s lives were holy like that of the deities, i.e., fully pure. About peoples of those times, there is a true saying, “In the treasurers of deities there was nothing wanting”.1 That is why they are called Purnakama (**) i.e., persons enjoying fulfillment of their desires.

Besides this, I have told you that the story of Rama and Ravana has spiritual significance; it is not be taken in its literal sense. Ravana in the story in the fact stands for Maya (the temptress). Ravana did not belong to the time of king Rama of Tretayuga, but as a symbolical character, existed when the incorporeal Rama descended into this world Sangmyuga. Kansa and Hiranyakashyapa also are symbolical characters that lived in that period at the end of Kaliyuga which just preceded Satyuga, i.e. in the period when Shiva, the Supreme Soul, descended and having ended all defiance of religiousness and divine ways (Divya Maryada), re-established good conduct and deity religion.

Seeker – Yes, you have already told me about this.

Brahma Kumari – The Supreme Soul, the inexhaustible source of peace, came into this world, instructed people in Godly Knowledge, easy Rajyoga, the divinely noble ways of the deities, divine virtues and established a wholly peaceful world and He does so once in every Kalpa. He is doing this even now.

1.       ****

Seeker – This is a very good news. All are looking forward to the time when they will have lasting peace in all respects. But, I find that the population has increased so much and the difference of languages, religion, economic status, views about political matter etc. have assumed such fearful forms and held people so tightly in their grip – and the vices have done no less harm to the game of controlling them – that it appears to me difficult to improve them. Sister dear, is it possible for all people to become righteous and shun all contentions by dint of divine knowledge and yoga? Will all of us live in peace?

Brahma Kumari – All cannot become deities, for the simple reason that all will not acquire Godly knowledge or receive instruction in yoga. There will be millions who will remain engrossed in sensuality and dissension’s. God has already given us insight into the fact that, on account of body-consciousness, they will quarrel with one another. Russia, America, Europe, China etc. will employ bombs and other destructive means in the coming war, the third of its kind, only to lead the world to an unprecedented and colossal destruction.

In Bharat in regard to the issues and over the differences mentioned above, the people, those who are inclined towards wickedness, will bring about intense civil strife on the basis of political, economic, religious, linguistic and other differences as mentioned before and there will be natural calamities due to our own sins and disregards of God’s commands.

The time is drawing very near when another Mahabharata will be fought and very few of us will survive this war. In other countries, no trace will be left of man because bombs of various kinds have been manufactured in such large number and of such dangerous potency that, as soon as war breaks out, not a soul will be left on this earth, except of course, in Bharat. All souls will shake off their bodies and return to Paradham where, being released from the bonds of the body and Karmas, they will rest in peace.

Thus, by means of this world war, millions will get peace and salvation and all the causes of discord on earth will cease to exist. There is no other means of keeping these so many souls peaceful, because they do not themselves endeavour to become holy and viceless by following God’s instructions. They do not ever hear what He says.

They go so far as not to believe in Him. But, God, the Supreme Father, frees them from the shackles of the body so that they may have peace. Though this huge destruction appears fearful it will prove a boon to all, without their knowing at first how that would be so.

After this has happened there will be only one divine religion and one language while the people will be viceless and will lead their lives as deities and there will be only one rule over the whole world. Those who become pure by means of Godly knowledge and easy rajyoga and acquire divine qualities before destruction starts, and work hard and steadily to be  elevated from mere man to the status of Shri Narayana, i.e., to rise to the level of the deities, will be born as deities in this world in the coming Satyuga (Golden Age) and earn their rightful sovereignty, which would be full of peace and happiness. 

Then the ruler and the ruled will both be examples of deity conduct and divine traditions in word, thought and deed, i.e. in all respects, they will be doubly non0violent. In that divine kingdom even the slightest trace of vice, disease or sorrow will not be found. Hence it is that deities are regarded as immortals (** Amar) and their bodies are as if made of burnished gold.

Only one religion, one language, and only one class of people, the deities, will exist. All wars shall have disappeared so much so that even animals and birds will be non-violent. Nor will there be poverty or its pangs. So, World Peace is round the corner. We, on our part, have to lead a life of purity and soul-consciousness and have a linkage with God so as to have constant peace and to deserve double-crowned deity-status.

What is the root cause of peacelessness and how can it be eradicated?

At present, the world is beset with numerous kinds of sorrows. Even a whole life time, devoted to listing these sorrows, would not suffice. It is owing to them that this world is called, ‘The region of sorrows’,1 ‘The land of death’2, ‘The ocean of grief unlimited’3, ‘A forest of thorns’4 and, above all, ‘Always subject to death’. Founders of various religions, in the history of the world, observed here the ubiquitousness of sorrows and became tired of this world. Nanak found it miserable and dubbed it as ‘The house of sorrow’; another spoke of it as a ‘Poison house’5 (Vishay Sagar); and a third one styled in as a Labyrinth, while another would call it all a ‘Complicated and confusing affair’6 or a ‘Gordian Knot’7

Everyone of these founders has stated his views on how one can obtain release from sorrow which each one of the above mentioned titles of the world indicates. Thus, we have a variety of religious views and books. Well, this variety is not unnatural. When one is ill, we suggest remedies, according to our knowledge and experience, and out of sympathy with him.

Exactly in this manner, founders of religious sects or propagators or religions have also expressed their individual views as suggestions to be adopted by man to get rid of his sorrows. People wrote books known as the sacred texts, in which these suggestions were preserved.

The present day condition of the world

But it is matter of common-place observation that, in spite of these books, there is not only been no change but the conditions in the world have become worse than before. Even though there have existed religious books and religious leaders, the world has continued to be a world of death, pain and sorrows, a veritable forest of thorns, as if it had never thought of turning over to happiness and immortality. 

Neither it is a garden of flowers nor an ideal place to live in. During the last twenty five centuries or so, a considerable number of religious sects have come into existence and large number of sadhus and propagators of sects must have disseminated their respective views while books on some of these creeds have been published in millions. Even then Nanak’s saying that the world is a bed of thorns, holds true today also. In a sense, this is applicable more so now than ever before.

Why this unhappy result?

The question, therefore, arises, why has the existence of huge wealth and human energy produced only this unhappy result? Why has not this ill world improved? This is because the illness has not been properly treated. As long as the illness is not fully diagnosed, right treatment is impossible. Someone mistakes the symptoms for the disease; the symptoms are then treated.

Sorrow, which is an illness in the right sense, would be regarded by another man as perennial and unavoidable, and, therefore, he would tell people to repair to forests. Thus, the real cause of the illness has not been determined, not to speak of getting rid of it. On the other hand, owing to a plethora of views and practices, man has become subject to another disease, namely, the disease of unrest and confusion as if what was there already was not enough. The upshot is that he has given up all ideas of getting cured, so desperate and forlorn he is.

People have not succeeded in knowing what the root cause of this disease of sorrow is, not to speak of their being able to remove it. Only the Supreme Soul is the remover of sorrow (**) and the bestower of happiness (**), he is ever-liberated, being the ocean of peace, bliss and knowledge. He, Shiva, tells us what the root of sorrow is and what the remedies to uproot it are. He is the giver of peace and joy and ultimate bliss.

Contd....Part 7

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Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya

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