Peace of Mind (Part 7 : L A S T)



(Contd.........Part 6)

The real cause : six notorious vices

Now we have always to remember that Shiva has, through Prajapita Brahma, made us understand that the cause of all kinds of sorrow in the world lies in the six notorious vices which are also called the ‘six enemies’ (Shatripu) 1 or the six faults or defects (**). Every mother’s son of us here is subject surely to one vice or another.

What is the origin of these six vices? Doctors take a patient’s blood to examine it under a microscope in an attempt to know what kind of virus there is in him and then to find out what germs there are in that virus.

Then they make efforts to kill those germs and that virus. In the same way we have to ascertain which kind of germ there is in that virus of vices that has rendered the soul diseased. By employing Godly knowledge and the microscope of reason you will reach the conclusion that the root, in other words, the germ of these six vices is what is known as ‘Body consciousness’1 which provides a fertile soil for countless sorrows of man.


Body-consciousness is the root cause of all vices

By considering himself to be but a physical body, man begins to form purely physical links of several kinds with other bodied beings, and, consequently, forgets the souls link with the Supreme Soul, who is the bestower of happiness. With corporeal beings, he sets up connections, the essence of which is the feeling of attachment (Moha). In the event of any loss, defeat or grief, encountered by them, he considers it to be a cause of sorrow for himself.

If he does not receive either regard or co-operation from these persons to whom he is closely attached, he gets displeased with them and, therefore, loses mental peace. If in the race of life, he sees them obtaining greater fulfillment or fame that he himself has detained, he becomes jealous or envious and thereby loses his peace of mind. If he is guided by purely physical forms, becomes body-conscious to the extent of making distinctions between man and woman, he would automatically fall on the thorns of the vice of sex-lust (Kama).

Losing thereby all this spiritual might, be succeeds only in weakening his physique, goes nearer and nearer old age and then death, becoming all along, in the course of his life, a prey to disease of one kind or another. Sex-lust results in procreation of children whose miseries are reflected in his behaviour. Goaded by his constant attachment for them, he is engaged, the whole day, in earning for them and maintaining the household.

Instead of doing anything to set himself right, he is ever complaining that he has fallen into a bog and that he is caught in a whirlpool Having lost his light and might under pressure of sensual appetite, he ceases to think or argue clearly or to face odds, and learns only to show temper (Krodha). For those persons, upon whom he looks as bodies (not as souls), he takes them to be related to him as his wife, or son or daughter or so on so forth. He works hard to earn as much money as he can to fulfil their wishes. 

He works for more and more, and his Greed (Lobha) for money is never quenched. He continues ungratified and peaceless. When he has had a number of children and sets up a busy wealthy home, a humming hive, or when he contracts friendship with some well-known persons, he grows too big for his boots, and announces boastfully, “I am a big man, father of four children, come of a noble family and the associate of really great personages.” And a proud (Ahankari) man like this one, is shocked greatly. It is thus plain that body-consciousness is the root of vices, resulting in all kinds of illnesses, sorrows and troubles. In it may be traced the origin of all difficult situations.

The Remedy

Hence, Shiva, the Supreme Soul, says, “My dear children, if you wish to have complete happiness ad peace, find a remedy to kill this body-consciousness, which eats into you like a germ. With this object in view, you should become soul-conscious and, weaning yourself away from any attachment to the purely physical side of events and individuals, you be firmly grounded in remembrance of Me, who am Shiva, all the ills of the world will be removed an a righteous world of peace and deities will be established. That is, the world will be converted into a region of happiness, a garden of flowers, an ocean where milk flows inexhaustibly and where all the inhabitants are deities in all respects. That is Vaikuntha.

Thus, God, who removes sorrows and gives happiness, is now establishing world peace and placing man’s hands the gift of lasting happiness of all kinds. We should, therefore, discard body-consciousness and become soul-conscious, so that we acquire knowledge of what the soul and Supreme Soul are. In the absence of that knowledge, resting in total awareness of the soul or remembering God, the Supreme Soul, with concentration and devotion is an impossibility.

Practice of easy Raja yoga is the way of supreme peace

In order to have deep peace, to enjoy profound spiritual bliss and to experience the Karmateet stage (i.e. the stage of release) and to make special efforts to put an end to the evil resolves (Sanskaras) of the past sins, one ought to light up a big blaze of yoga. One should sit in exclusive and single \-minded remembrance of God Shiva a number of times during the day especially in the early hours of the morning and, detaching the mind from the consciousness of the body and bodily Dharmas, fix it on its Swaroopa and engage it in the remembrance of the most beloved God-father.

When your mind is absorbed in remembrance of the most beloved God-father, then you will not experience burden and bondage of your body or the pulls of any worldly ties or peacelessness on any account. It is this spiritually elevated stage and the practice of meditation that can bring you Supreme peace. There is no other way except yoga for attaining peace and purity in life!

Who is the world peace maker?

It is the Supreme Soul, the Supreme Father, whom all of us entreat of peace. It in worth asking ourselves why there is no peace in spite of the fact that God, the ocean of peace, is our Supreme Father and the fact that we make entreaties to Him. There is only one cogent, answer, based as it is on experience. It is that man has not only severed all practical relationships with Him but also is engaged in actions which violate His commandments by letting the five vices play a part in his speech, thought and actions.

Hence, all his cries for peace are in vain. It is to make us understand this secret that God Himself has descended upon the human body of Prajapita Brahma, bringing with Him the gift of peace. But this gift is within reach of only those who give up the five vices as an offering to Shiva, the Supreme Soul and who receive from Him the germs of divine knowledge. Peacelessness manifests itself, mainly in the form of anxiety, disgrace, grief due to some relative’s death, disease, poverty, etc.. This booklet throws light on the points mentioned above so that man may find peace even in these and similar dire situations.

Besides, we have to take note of the fact that the vices are the sources of peacelessness and of all kinds of sorrows. These vices have their origin in ignorance and in body-consciousness. These two can be liquidated only by means of Godly knowledge and easy Raja yoga. And, instructions in these last two have been given to us by God Shiva, the Supreme Father, through Prajapita Brahma. Here in this book is described the practical side of that knowledge.

Those who desire to earn bliss by this knowledge and yoga may attend anyone of the divine service-centres of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa-Vidyalaya to learn all about them.

World peace and peace-of-mind

World peace and peace-of-mind will not come by doing yagyas and reciting mantras, i.e., by lighting sacrificial or sacred fires and then pouring any amount of boiled butter and aromatic mixtures over it, in accompaniment to the chanting of religious formulae.

It will come only if people become viceless, i.e., if they light the spiritual fire by means of Godly Knowledge and easy Raja-yoga (meditation) and burn their evils and vices into it according to the advice of God Shiva, who is the ocean of peace, the tower of peace or the Giver of Bliss.

It would be of greatest good to all to know that the most beloved God-father Shiva who is also known as ‘Rudra’, has established Rudra Gyan Yagas of 5000 years old fame, i.e., He has re-established and institution where Knowledge is imparted so that people can burn away their vicious proclivities and can attain complete purity.

Now or Never

The most beloved God-father Shiva has given us divine visions and had commanded us to warn the world that the destruction, through nuclear weapons, natural calamities and civil wars is not far off. Time is not for off when the present day gala appearances of plastics and perfumes and the resounding of music and marriages will cease with the thundering noises of the atom bombs. There shall be a desolate wilderness of a few men in the near future as it was after the famous Mahabharata war for  the wan-mongers of America and Russia will have pounded men to dust. Like every fully grown up crop is harvested, the Kalpa tree of religions shall mostly be axed and cropped. It is, therefore, time to forsake attachment now and to do the needful.

None of one’s belongings or relatives shall accompany one when one departs from this body. But if one does not withdraw from the body-consciousness now, then the crying of the four pall-bearers, viz., “Brothers, Ram Nam Satya Hai (Brothers, the name or remembrance of God, the Father, alone goes with man) will be of no avail. As a matter of fact, there will be no pall bearers, no obsequies and no requiems now because it is the last phase of life of almost all human beings. So, if the achievement of complete purity, peace and prosperity is the sole aim of your life, aspire it now and here. If not today, tomorrow shall be too late! Therefore the sooner the better, for the time left before the forth-coming World Catastrophe is too short!


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