Universal Harmony (Part 2 : L A S T)


(Contd.........Part 1)

Thirdly, we must clearly understand and firmly believe that  when we change then only things around us  begin to change. As long as we remain slaves to our circumstances and wait  for others to change, that long we remain to be slaves and waiters - on - others only. When we become independent of others in our efforts and in our process of change, then only we have  real independence; then we see that change starts taking place in others as well. If I do not move my hand, how can I move my table? If I do not press the button, how can I effect even remote control?

So, the button of change is in my hands. Let me first have my mental harmony and this  internal harmony will  start the process of external harmony. If I myself  am not  in order, what  authority or credentials I have  to  call  others to order?  Only a moving  thing can move others. So, first of all, let me move to move  others. First, I should fill my mind with love for all and have goodwill towards all, then these thought- waves will resonate in others. Like tuning forks, the minds  of others also will become in tune  with goodwill in my mind. Let us understand that all things  in this  world are interconnected  in more than one way and there is some kind of a resonance there  in all things  of the cosmos.

Inter-connectedness of all things

If we have a close look at the cosmic order, we find that there is some inter-relatedness between various systems and also between various phenomena. If any change takes place in one system, the other systems also cannot remain totally unaffected; there are at least some minimal corresponding changes in other systems as well even as one cog-wheel moves another into which its cogs are fitted. Nothing in this cosmic order exists absolutely isolated from all the rest so that it could remain totally un-influenced by changes in others.

On the other hand, it seems that the very existence and function of one entity or phenomenon has linkages with others so much so that, in order to understand one, we have to understand at least something about the others. Scientific probes or explorations, by various disciplines, lead us to the conclusion that even a slight disturbance at one place, and in one system, causes at least some spin off in other systems notwithstatnding the astronomical distances between the two.

     So, one basic truth about the cosmic order is that there is some kind of a bind, some kind of a symbiotic arrangement, some sort of synchronization, some essential inter-connectedness between any two systems. This connectedness is not merely at work in the phenomena of Nature or in the inter-planetary or cosmic order but there is also an intimate connection between the astronomical, ecological, environmental, social, economic, political, religious, emotional, cultural and aesthetic aspects of life of a community or a nation.

One of these may be termed ecological, the other biological, the third geographical, the fourth meteorological, the fifth racial and the sixth cultural aspects of human existence but all are intervowen into a network. Various systems in the cosmos are like various instruments of an orchestra, each making a note that is, or was, in harmony with the notes of other instruments. If one of these is in discord, then it creates disharmony in the total. So, universal harmony, in this context, means harmony between all systems.

     Further, we observe that the relatedness between various existences and between various phenomena can be of different kinds. This relation may be in the form of dependence of one on another, or of emergence of one from the other or of one supporting the other or one keeping in check the other or one suppressing or even devouring the other. They may strengthen each other, delimit each other, neutralise each other, balance each other or live or stay together for each other’s benefit. But, whatever be the form and nature of their relationship, their existence has a meaning; it is for a purpose or it is indicative of the disease or dying state of a system.

This gives us another basic truth that anything — even a straw — or any event, however small, has a meaning and a place in the scheme of things or in this drama of life. Anything and everything — as it is and where it is — has a place and a role in the world drama. What have now come to be known as ‘bio-diversity’ and ‘ecological balance’ are indicative of only part of the truth. There is harmony in many other spheres and that too has not be disturbed.

There are living beings which have a role in this World Drama and we have not to indulge in a killing spree because we, out of our ignorance, think that they have no justification to live. On the other hand, we should have goodwill towards all. Our own goodness and harmony will begin to tune in all the satellites and spheres and all beings in this world through the mysterious phenomenon of inter-connectedness — call it ‘resonance’ if you will — and all things will, one day, begin to reverbrate with love, unity, kindness, co-operation, concord and amity.

This interconnectedness is in more ways than one. For example not only does the sun give light and heat but it also cleans the atmosphere and is responsible for rains, for change of weather and for photo-synthesis and so on. Similarly, not only do plants and flowers supply food and medicine and colour, beauty and fragrance but, through photo-synthesis, they absorb carbon-di- oxide and give oxygen which is very essential for life.

On the other hand, the oxides of carbon and sulphur that emanate from fossil fuels or form diesel and petrol engines may lead to acid rains or greenhouse effect.

As is now known, the sun and the plants are made up basically of material energy. These various forms and patterns of material energy act and react in response to one another and all this happens in a complex and, ultimately, a mysterious way inspite of enormous distances between two objects. There is some kind of a telekinesis. We had also given the example of the effect of hydro-fluro-carbons on the ozone-layer which is at a great distance. Now, as these material forms  of  energy influence things and the atmosphere, even so does the thought energy influence things and the atmosphere.

Of all human actions, thought is the basis. And, in Meditation it is the packets of thought-energy which, like laser rays, are released to purify and pacify the atmosphere and to restore law & order and universal harmony.  This also happens in a mysterious way. This power is known as the yoga-power or the power of mental purity and inner harmony. It is the power of positive thoughts which is energy of a different kind but which sets new patterns as a magnetic force does with the iron-files. It develops into a field of spiritual energy; the outreach and influence of this field is tremendous.

So, let us realise the significance of our actions and thoughts. As entities, we are smaller than even the smallest; we are infinitesimal. We are just tiny tots or small specks in the vast or infinite space. Yet the space of our mind can embrace the whole outer infinite space. True to the scientific concept which says that ‘when you move your little finger, you move the stars’, we can change the world by changing ourselves who are little dots. This adage has two meanings.

The first of these is that, ever since we lost our inner harmony, we began to lose harmony among the celestial spheres and the terrestrial beings. As the harmony of our emotions with our mind and our intellect deteriorated, the harmony in Nature, in the environment and among the living species also began to degenerate in quality and quantity.

The second implication of this is that if we now change, the whole cosmos will change because of this interconnectedness. We may not yet know how this cosmic change will take place. Yet we can say that this will take place because all systems have linkages and a change in one, in turn, produces a change in others.

The original stage was of harmony

It should not be difficult to understand that the original stage of the cosmos and the society was of health and harmony. The number of human beings was small and neither were there millions of diesel or petrol vehicles nor factories, billowing out tons of smoke, nor were there waste affluents from the industries that flowed into rivers and changed them into gutters or sewers.

Neither were any hydro-fluro-carbons used nor was any deforestation and fossil-fuel used on such a gigantic scale as now. So, there could neither be any hole in the ozone nor could there be any acid rains or greenhouse effect. Man mainly used the clean solar energy. He lived close to Nature. He was not over- consumptive and greedy. He was not blinded by selfishness; so he did not commit any acts of devastation of the nature. But, as time passed and the population increased and man’s greed and gluttony grew, exploitation of the natural resources started in such a way that there was ‘grave damage’ caused to the environment.

Also, as the humankind spread over different countries and continents, different races, languages, cultures and creeds came into existence and there began disputes and conflicts, based on these factors or on the country of a person’s origin. Distances and dissensions led to conflicts, misunderstandings and clashes. All these factors of disharmony are only a later phenomena. Population increased because growth-rate went up due to sex- lust.

Violence and wars came up because hatred, anger and thoughts of confrontation and vengeance increased. And, all these arose because man became more and more body-conscious and he identified himself with his body. He mistreated others and made many slaves and created an atmosphere of distrust and fear.

It should thus be realised that it is the loss of knowledge of real identity that has led to the present crisis. Ever since man identified himself with his body, he became materialist and consumerist. A conflict started between his material desires-cum-pursuits and his moral conscience. Sometimes, he felt more drawn towards Mammon and things  made of matter—material comforts  and sensual pleasures while at other times, he felt a strong pull  towards God and goodness.

He opted for God at one moment and gold at another.   He aspired to be a yogi on some occasions and a bhogi (carnal-minded person) rest of the time. Thus his mind was torn into two halves—one half for God and the other half for Mammon. Later, he surrendered himself to Mammon who sometimes  permitted him to pray to God  for things which are of this world. There was thus a paradigm-shift. His set of values changed. His vision of reality  and the goals  that inspired him changed as well. The place of peace was captured by preparedness for war. Tolerance was pushed aside  and the policy of tit-for-tat took its  seat.

Love  and Tranquillity were asked to surrender their credentials and resign  their posts  and Hatred and Anger were asked to take charge of their portfolios. There was thus a coup-de-palace  and the guards or captains of Harmony gradually retreated into oblivion, giving place to the forces of Disharmony. Greed and Gluttony, Sex  and Violence, Jealousy and Jingoism took hold and Goodwill and Co-operation, Sweetness and Service  receded into the background. As a result,we see Global Disharmony to-day where once ruled the Universal Harmony.

So, in order that Universal Harmony may return to its lawful throne after this long period of banishment or neglect, we have first  to have a vision of the coming world order which will have perfect harmony of all kinds and we have to welcome or to reinstate and re-install the set of values that are the harbingers  or founders of Universal harmony. For re-invigorating those auspicious values, we must first re-establish ourselves firmly in our real identity, which is that we are souls — the eternal points-of-light and might and purity and peace.

In order to be able to do this successfully, we must establish our love- link with God who is the Being-of-Light that never loses His inner harmony. When we establish a mental link with Him by practising constant awareness of Him as our Most Beloved Mother- Father and Infallible Guide and Sincerest and Dearest Friend, then our emotions become perfectly clean and balanced and perfect harmony between our Mind  and Intellect gets established.

This spiritual effort of establishing a conscious love-bond with Him or of having a mental rapport with Him or of installing a line of communication with Him by means of cognitive awareness is called Meditation. This special type of Meditation is known as Easy Raj Yoga  that leads to Sahaj Samadhi — the  easy and natural stage of equilibrium and stability. The rhythm, the harmony, the tranquillity thus attained are so powerful that t
hey influence not only the practitioner but others also through Him.

They set in motion the process of establishing world-wide harmony or‘Universal Harmony’ at an increasing momentum. Let us practise this Yoga Tapasya, silent meditation, this deep Sadhana, this Sahaj Samadhi and spiritual self-renewal. Let us be born-again through this effort which changes all other work into effortless effort.

Divine Qualities that bring Harmony

     Also, one should practise the internalisation of such divine qualities as love,humility, sweetness, compassion, service, etc., for these are conducive to harmony. Most important of all is positive thinking. Positive  thoughts  are the remote control devices that restore  harmony. Let us understand the value of positive thoughts. If radiowaves  can travel over great distances, positive thoughts also can and can establish harmony which is their basic quality. These values and Rajyoga Meditation alone can bring about Universal Harmony for  Meditation produces such thought-waves.

You are whole heartedly welcome to
Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya

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