Universal Harmony (Part 1)


Much of the turmoil and suffering in our world is,  and has been, due to one or the other kind of disharmony. Some feel tormented because  of disharmony between  their emotions and intellect, desires and judgment,  beliefs and behaviour, or views and values. Because of this inner dis-harmony, they suffer from  sleepless nights, restless moods or constant stress and fatigue and the consequent psychic disorders or psycho-somatic diseases. Others suffer mental agony because of disharmony in the relationships of family members — father and son, husband and wife,  bride and inlaws, brothers and sisters or cousins and kins.

Even one single member, because of some ill-will, negative motives,  bad habits or unfair dealings may create havoc in the whole family and may, ultimately, bring a split. This disharmony in the family also  may cause peptic ulcers, high blood-pressure, and even cancer to some members  whereas others may feel that life is a burden; it is not worth living. Disharmony  among  neighbours or between  tenants and their  landlord may make  one’s life difficult and joyless and may give  a person constant headache.

Disharmony in the relations between students and teachers may  spoil the educational atmosphere and may lead to indiscipline and  unruly behaviour on the part of the students. Similarly, lack of harmony in an Administration may lead to lack of co-ordination, non-co- operation, delay, inefficiency and  many other maladies. Disharmony at workplace may kill the team-spirit and may cause emotional turmoil and make job a mill-stone round  one’s  neck and lead to outbursts.

Disharmony may manifest in the form of communal discord and strife and  may  lead to riots, arson and destruction.  It may leave  seething scars or simmering sores on the mind of the  members of the two communities. It may keep  the law & order situation in many towns and cities severely tense and may put the whole legislative, governmental, administrative and judicial machinery  under great strain and may give a strong feeling of  insecurity to the  citizens. It may even lead to disintegration  and endless  hostilities.

Disharmony at the international level may also find expression in the form of suspicion and fear  or anger and vengeance between  two countries or two power-blocks  and may lead  to manufacture and stock-piling of deadly weapons of mass-scale destruction or to  cold or hot war.  The use of these weapons may bring  doom to the whole world. And, until then, it may cost trillions of dollars every year and may keep millions  of able-bodied youths and thousands of top-class scientists busy with preparations for  weapons and war.

In the field of  politics, it may cause in-fights and split in a political  party or constant confrontation, battle-like  situation or bitterness and hostility among  various parties and may thus  result in political instability, absence of a stable government  and a state of deterioration in law and order. It may make a nation weak, torn by internal  strife, and may make it  vulnerable to external aggression or internal criminal elements.

Disharmony may also raise its ugly head in the form of racial feuds, gender-discrimination, caste-conflict or class - conflagration and  may thus generate a state of constant social upheavals. Social disharmony may rip apart various constituents in a society and cause a situation of constant conflict.

In a nation’s economy, disharmony in growth  and living-standards of various States, communities or tribes may cause great disparities between  various sections and may result in vast cleavages, imbalances,  disequilibrium, commotion, grave  injustice and its consequences. In the field of business or industrial management, it may result in loss of many  working days  and in closure of a factory. Disharmony between the rich and  the poor or the ‘haves’  and ‘have-nots’ or  the bourgeois and the working class may lead to serious repercussions of various kinds,  including loss of human rights and basic freedom.

When man leads a life in disharmony with Nature and with other forms of life, then  the result is ecological imbalance and  environmental  pollution. Disharmony with Nature  and with living beings of different kinds may lead to a great  catastrophe of unknown dimensions. When  man ruins or ravages the  environment, the environment  rebounds on him with full  furry so as to return to its state of harmony and, in this process, there is a devastation, deluge and destruction  on a global scale.

Unbearable strain on society because of disharmony

We have given above examples of only some  few forms of disharmony and that too in a very simplistic manner. The simple words, used above, in explaining them may, perhaps, make disharmony appear less dangerous, less harmful and less problematic than it  actually is. But the fact remains that trillions of dollars are lost in the world everyday over preparations for war or for  controlling various kinds of confrontations or crimes  or for  meeting the  demands  of litigation, law-enforcement or treatment of psychic disorders or psycho-physical diseases, caused by disharmony of one or the other kind.  In many homes, the  situation is that of a trauma and in many parts of the world,  it is that of a holocaust due to ethnic,  racial, regional, linguistic, territorial, communal, political, social or economic  disharmony and all this  is costing mankind very dearly in terms of life and property or health, wealth and happiness.

Harmony is the Prime Value

In the present situation, the world is faced with  many problems and each one of these  is considered to emanate from  the loss  of some  moral, human, social or spiritual value. So, from that point of view all values are important. But  from what has been said above,  it should be  amply clear that harmony, as a value, stands distinct from all the rest at this juncture of history, for due to its absence, even  the whole human civilisation may be lost  either due to a nuclear catastrophe or through world-wide  environmental  calamities or through racial, ethnic, regional  linguistic or other kinds of strife and these,  as has been explained earlier, are due to disharmony in inter-national and  inter-communal relations or in man’s  relation with Nature and ecosphere.

So, harmony becomes the first priority because the very existence of humankind is threatened by forces of disharmony. The present situation may be compared to the critical  condition of a patient who is  suffering from various diseases. The  patient has been  admitted for  a surgery but he has high blood pressure and blood - sugar and certain  other ailments, some of which need more urgent attention as compared to surgery because those other ailments threaten the very survival  of the patient. Similarly, even if  harmony is not the  most fundamental or most important value,  it is presently to be given a high priority because, without it, the human-kind is in danger of being  lost. 

It should further be seen  that though Harmony seems to be one single  value, yet, in truth, it is the  group name or corporate name given  to a set of values. For, ‘Harmony’ has love, unity, concord, amicability, sociability, friendliness, spirit of co- existence and reconciliation, proper communication, openness of mind, self-control, non-violence, sweetness,  tolerance, consensus, etc. as its essential components. Without these values, there  cannot be an enduring and holistic  harmony.

Harmony does not imply absence of diversity

The word ‘harmony’ implies  concordance, agreeability and a pleasing blend of diverse colours, diverse musical notes or diverse designs;  it does not imply negation of diversity. All the colours of a rainbow  are different and yet their pattern is harmonious.  In an orchestra, different  musical instruments are used and yet  a happy blend of the tunes and tones  of all creates a concordant tune and has the harmonious effect of music.

Similarly, there may be flowers of different kinds and colours  in a garden  and yet their arrangement in the garden may create a harmonious and a beautiful design. Similarly, people  may live in different  parts of the globe, have different  colours  of their skin and different facial features, yet they can live with a spirit of amity and in a state of harmony. There may be certain kinds of diversity which  create discord but all kinds of diversity are not inimical to harmony. So, harmony in human relations in the present-day world is  possible  to a great extent if the basic components of harmony, namely, love, goodwill,proper communication, spirit  of co-existence,  tolerance, sweetness, etc., are there.

The causes of disharmony

Above, we have said that the  essential components of harmony are goodwill, love, unity, friendliness, spirit of co-operation,  tolerance, non-violence, etc. Naturally, it implies that the negative forces that  cause disharmony,  discord or conflict are hatred, anger, enmity,intolerance, greed, selfishness etc. But the question is what gives rise to these negative tendencies or harmful attitudes?

A close look at the problems, facing us to-day, would show that their different names give us the wrong impression that they are of different nature or have a different origin or they are the result of a different kind of disharmony. The truth, however, is that they are like branches of one same tree and, therefore, their roots are the same.

The root cause of all kinds of disharmony, or of negative forces that give rise to various kinds of disharmony, is that man, is ignorant of his real identity and his basic relationship with others. Presently, he identifies himself  with his race, region, language, etc. It means that he considers himself a body, for these former are the epithets that are  based  on various  particulars of the body. The truth, however, is that the self is not a body; the self  is an ‘embodied’ being; the self is a soul in a body.

As is the difference between a house  and its occupant, or  a chariot and its charioteer, even  so is the difference between  the body and the soul. There is another, more fundamental difference  between  the two. The body, in its very nature, is material or physical. So, the laws of physics and chemistry apply to it. It is  an organic whole and functions as a physiological organism. Therefore, the  laws of physiology and biology apply to it.  But  the self, which  uses this organism is of the nature of ‘consciousness’ to which laws of chemistry, physics or biology do not apply.

No doubt, the self manifests through this  organism and its existence  is inferred or known mainly, though indirectly, through this organism  but, as an entity, it is  altogether of a different class, genre and nature. It is not material or physical or even terrestrial; it is metaphysical, supermundane and transcendental. So, laws of natural or biological sciences do not apply to Thought, which is one of the  manifestations of Consciousness.

In this essential nature, namely, consciousness,  awareness, or as moral beings, our identity is known as ‘souls’, ‘the beings of light’, ‘the eternal and immortal selves’, ‘the divine or spiritual entities which are subtler than the subtlest form of matter or energy and are conscient.’ If man knew this real identity of his, as distinguished from the identity of his body, then the distinctions of race, region, caste, country, etc., would become only superficial, for the  body is the carnal form whereas the self is a soul that incarnates. The differences based on body are as differences between  outer dresses of persons and the persons themselves  or between  houses  and the residents or between cars and their owners.

How  to re - establish Harmony?

So, if man did not suffer from this basic  ignorance or amnesia as to his real identity, then all things would appear  in their true light. The delusion, confusion or illusion about the self is the start of all our troubles. This spiritual illiteracy has deprived us  of harmony and of  many rewards and joys of life. If we knew or if we did not forget that we are souls and, as such,  we are divine children of the Immortal and are conscient stars of light, then our attitudes, outlook, tendencies, behavioural patterns and life - styles would be different.

Then our relationships would be of love, for we, as souls, are spiritual brothers;  we are denizens of the same world-of-light namely the Soul World. Then we will transcend the mundane differences of racial colours and contours, etc., for we, in our real nature, are light and might;  we are neither flesh nor bodies, neither skins nor skeletons.

Our this  divine awareness would transform us into gods who give rather than demons who grab; we would live as lights or angels rather than as shadows  or devils. Harmony would be the natural result of our  this kind of life and life-style because, as  brother  angels, love, kindness, goodness and co- operation  would then become our natural traits. It is only when we consider ourselves as shadows that the negative tendencies  of hatred, anger and their dark habits become  manifest. Secondly, we have to recognise and to understand that whatever exists in this world, has  a purpose and whatever happens has a cause.

We, out of our stark ignorance, begin to hate certain things and certain events,  for we do not  realise that there  is the basic  law of Karma  operative in this world and, according to this, we reap as we sow;  We have more to blame ourselves for our Karmas rather than blame  others. It is the bondage of our negative Karmas that has  brought some negative reactions from our neighbours’  adversaries or relatives in response to our acts. 

Or, if they cause us insult or injury not as a reaction to our karma but  because of their own spoiled nature, then the law of Karma will take its own course and we must, therefore, observe patience and  not behave in the manner in which we do not wish others to behave  with us. On  the other hand, we must bear in mind that it is love which eliminates hate; it is kindness that kills  cruelty; it is compassion which calms down  one’s  passion, it is co-operation that brings help and draws out love and when we bow, then only we bend others. These are the factors that  create harmony.

Contd....Part 2

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Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya

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