Mankind today is faced with myriad problems which, connected with each other, have together created a seemingly hopeless situation. These problems, whether political, social, economic or ecological, are too well-known to need any listing here.

These problems are growing not for lack of efforts to solve them, but in spite of all endeavor in that direction. Almost every solution that man has devised to solve a problem has given birth to a new problem even while partially solving the old malady.

Our response to various problems has been the product of our way of thinking and our knowledge of the physical world. Given the fact that our scientific and academic knowledge has grown over the past century faster than at any other period in history, one would expect that all our problems should have been solved now. With the horizons of our knowledge expanding, we have tried newer solutions to our problems. The result has not been the end of our problems but the creation of newer problems.

The reason is that we take a superficial approach to solving problems, addressing only the symptoms ignoring the root cause. An analysis of human actions, in general, would suggest that our response to any situation is always based on our belief system. Everyone, whether educated or uneducated, has a set of beliefs that serve as a springboard for his actions.

Our belief system includes our chosen goal in life and our role models. Our values emerge from our belief system. All these together determine our perception of different situations, shape our attitudes and lead, finally, to our response or actions.

At present, our outlook, values and attitudes are largely fashioned by the belief system that is built from our knowledge of the sciences and the arts. These values and actions are mainly materialistic. There is little of the moral or spiritual in them.

As a result, we very often perform actions that seem to bring us immediate results, but violate moral and spiritual laws. Such actions are not sustainable in the long run. An example is our response to terrorism. Terrorism is being largely tackled  through financial and military means. The aim is to deny  terrorists funds to grow or operate and to ultimately destroy their network.

The professed aim of this aggressive approach is to root out terrorism from the world. But what is actually happening? Terrorists are only becoming more determined and innovative to cause ever more destruction.

On another level we are trying to combat terrorism by political and economic means to address the grievances of groups that resort to violence.

But we while doing all this, We ignore the original malice that is the cause of terrorism. Not every unemployed youth becomes a terrorist, nor does everyone living under political oppression take to the gun. The reason is spiritual. Even the most genuine political and economic grievance can turn people into terrorists when there is something lacking in them spiritually. A person who is spiritually strong can suffer the gravest injustice without resorting to violence— as Mahatma Gandhi did and yet achieve his ends.

Unless we work to bring about spiritual awakening in people, we cannot hope to find a lasting solution to our problems. Just addressing the symptoms while ignoring the spiritual roots of our problems is like trying to save a leaking boat by bailing out the water while not plugging the leak. As the boat springs more leaks one becomes busier bailing out the water, but ultimately the boat sinks.

You are whole heartedly welcome to
Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya


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