Till now you have been celebrating the festival of Shivratri…


Every year you have been celebrating Shivratri by offering special prayers to God Shiva, by fasting, doing jagaran at night etc. But it has neither led to the filling of your treasure store nor it has removed death and suffering (Shiv bhandaare bharpoor, kaal-kantak dur). It has not led to the fulfilment of your heartfelt desires.

The reason is that who is Shiva, what is our relationship with him and what do we get from Him when do we get attainments from Him and how, what is the link between Shiva and Ratri, when did the festival of Shivratri begin and how does it memorialise an important historic event…the deep secrets of these truths have vanished completely. If the devotees of God Shiva would have known that Shivratri is the greatest of all festivals, a festival worth diamonds, as it is the celebration of the divine incarnation of God Shiva, the incorporeal Father of all human souls from the world beyond, in a corporeal human body on earth and also the commemorative day of the supreme benevolent Godly task of transforming the old impure iron-aged tamopradhan corrupt devilish sorrowful world into a new, pure golden-aged satopradhan elevated divine and joyful world, then they would not have celebrated it as any other festival and would have moved on the path to liberation and salvation.

It is the greatest joy for all that in the present time the bestower of blessings the Innocent God Bholanath Shiva has reincarnated in order to recreate a new world. And His foremost and greatest blessing is that He Himself is telling us about Himself so that we can fill our aprons with God Shiva’s blessings and celebrate true Shivratri by claiming our God-fatherly birthright of liberation and salvation.

Remember – It’s now or never!


Incorporeal Supreme Father “Shiva” is the parlokik (from the world beyond) father of all human souls. We are the eternal and immortal children of the Supreme Father. Supreme Soul and souls are separate and distinct entities. The Supreme Soul is one and souls are many. The Supreme Soul is the Creator and Director of the eternal World Drama and souls are the actors in it. By observing purity one can become a great soul (mahatma), religious soul (dharamatma) and a divine or deity soul (devatma) but one cannot become Supreme Soul i.e. paramatma. Souls are the progeny and not a part of the Supreme Soul.

Spiritual Name – It is not that God has no name but he has a unique name. “Shiva” is a self-revealed spiritual name of God. The meaning of Shiva is the benefactor, the seed-form and the point. God is the liberator of the whole world and hence He is the benefactor. Just as a seed is the creator of a tree, similarly, God Shiva is the Seed of the human world tree. He is also called “Sada Shiv” because He does not come into the cycle of birth and death. There is no creator of God Shiva hence He is called “Sawayambhu” or “Shambhu”.

Divine Form – God Shiva’s form is a point of light. He does not have any corporeal form. That is why He is called incorporeal. God is not formless but He has a unique form. It is impossible that someone has an existence and does not have a form. It is often said for God that He is a Power. In fact, power is an attribute of God. Qualities like fragrance, sweetness etc. have no individual form but the one who imbibes qualities has a form. God has the divine form of a point of light i.e. God’s form is light. We cannot see God’s form with our physical eyes. His form can only be seen through divine visions.

Shivling – Shivling is a memorial sign of God. The meaning of ling is statue or figure. Shivling denotes the image of the benefactor Supreme Father and Supreme Soul. In the whole world the most worshipped image is that of Shivling. In India 12 most famous Shiv maths are known as jyotirlingam math. Among these, Kedareshwar on the Himalayas, Vishweshwar in Malwa, Somnath in Saurashtra and Mahakaleshwar in Ujjain (M.P.) are very well known. Alongwith Shivling, lots of small stone images like the ling known as shaligrams, are also worshipped. Just as Shivling is the symbol of Supreme Soul God Shiva, similarly, shaligrams are the symbols of souls.

Trimurti Shiva – God Shiva is called Trimurti Shiva. The three lines on the Shivling as well as the three-leafed bel-patra offered on the Shivling denote the fact that God Shiva is Trimurti. The word Trimurti is an indicator of the truth that God Shiva is Tridev (creator of Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar), Trinetri (one who gives the third eye of wisdom i.e. a divine intellect), Trikaldarshi (one who knows the three aspects of time, the beginning, middle and end of the world drama) and Trilokinath which means that He is the master of the corporeal, subtle and incorporeal worlds, He is Tribhuvaneshwar.

Creation of Tridev – The first creation of God Shiva are Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar, the three subtle deities who can be seen only through divine vision. Devotees worship these deities as devtaya namaha (salutations to the lords or deities) or as dev dev mahadev (salutations to the first deity, the second deity and the great deity)Brahma is also known as Adidev (the first deity) and Shankar is called Mahadev (the great deity). In comparison, Shiva is always worshipped as Shiva Paramatmay Namaha (Salutations to God Shiva) and Om Namaha Shivay (I salute Shiva). Lord Rama and Lord Krishna are shown as worshipping God Shiva at Rameshwar and Gopeshwar respectively.

Role of God – The benefactor role of God, who is the world Father, is for the whole world. It is not right to say that everything happens in the world due to God’s will and not even a leaf moves without His order. God is always known as the bestower of happiness and remover of sorrow, He cannot inspire people to do bad actions like committing murder, violence etc. which give sorrow to others. God sets right what is wrong and He is the purifier. In order to fulfil these goals He performs three divine roles –

1. Creation of truth, purity and peace.

2. Destruction of untruth, impurity and peacelessness.

3. Sustenance and growth of religious-minded pure souls.

God is Karankaravanhar (the one who makes others act) and He accomplishes the above-mentioned tasks through Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. Through Prajapita Brahma he recreates pure and happy Satyugi world, through Vishnu he sustains the Tretayugi world and through Shankar he destroys the Kaliyugi world. Only God Shiva is the Purifier (patit pavan) who can purify the impure world. Shri Krishna and Shri Rama are pure but they are not Purifier because during Golden Age and Silver Age (Satyuga and Tretayuga) there are no impure ones who need to be purified. The deities of Golden and Silver Ages are the creation of the Creator Purifier God Shiva.

Three Worlds – This world made up of five elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether) often termed as the field of action is the corporeal world. Souls perform actions in this world through human body. Birth and death occur in this world. This is the world of sound; here we have thoughts, words and actions. Creation, destruction and sustenance – the divine acts of God are related to this world.

Beyond the sun, moon and stars of this physical world is a subtle world where subtle deities Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar reside. Their subtle bodies are made up of the element of subtle light. These deities and this world can be seen only through divine vision.

Far beyond the subtle world stretching endlessly is a realm of an infinitely subtle light of golden red colour known as the eternal light (akhand jyoti) the great element (mah tatva) or the element of Brahm (brahm tatva). This world too can be seen only through divine vision.

In a tiny section of this Brahm element reside the point of light God Shiva and all other souls. This world is known as Brahmlok (the world of Brahm), Parlok (the world beyond), Muktidham or Mokshadham (the abode of liberation), Shantidham (the abode of peace), Nirvandham (the abode of silence) or Shivpuri (the land of Shiva). Here souls live in a state free from action, experience and influence. From here souls come down according to their role in the world drama and put on the costume of human body in the corporeal world.

Significance of Shivratri

Supreme Soul God Shiva incarnates in the body of Prajapita Brahma at the end of Iron Age, when the whole world is in the darkness, and imparts Godly knowledge and Rajyoga and thereby gives us the God-fatherly birthright of complete purity, peace and prosperity. In spiritual sense, darkness signifies extreme spiritual ignorance, viciousness and devilish traits of human souls. The present time is indicative of all these. It is now that we have to awaken the soul (jagaran) and stay in the remembrance of God Shiva (up-vas means to stay close) take the oath of celibacy, sacrifice the bitterness of vices (the uck flower) on Shiva and let the divine knowledge of Shiva flow drop by drop to all souls. By adopting this true method of celebrating Shivratri we should claim the greatest blessing of liberation (Mukti) and liberation-in-life (Jeevan-Mukti) from God Shiva in this birth. Supreme Father and Supreme Soul God Shiva is giving you with lot of love the Godly invitation to claim this God-fatherly birthright now.

Remember: It’s NOW or NEVER because there is no guarantee of life.

Godly Message

On the Auspicious Occasion of Platinum Jubilee Celebration of God’s descent in Bharat at Mount Abu (Rajasthan), we wish to give you a sweet Godly message that we have opened a Spiritual Art Gallery at Upasnagar Housing Board Colony. Just visit and your life will change and you will get back the lost peace and happiness.

God has decended to re-establish Golden Age

During the chaos, peacelessness, hopelessness in this world, God the Supreme Father of all souls challenges that all your sorrows and problems are going to end because He descends at Mount Abu (Rajasthan) and is busy re-establishing Pure Satyayugi Golden Aged world since last 85 years by imparting spiritual knowledge and teaching Rajyoga Meditation through the medium of Prajapita Brahma the First Man with the co-operation of his children. This is the Auspicious Confluence Age to purify the souls and imbibe divine virtues. We are sure you will make full attempts to get back the lost Kingdom of Heaven for 21 ensuing births in Golden Age. If not now, Never!

You are whole heartedly welcome to
Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya

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